Excitement is brewing among fans of the popular television series “Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 3” as the upcoming episodes promise an engagement between the lead characters, Ram and Priya. However, their impending union is not fueled by love but by the pressures of their families, resulting in a contract marriage. Nevertheless, as the wedding festivities kick off with their engagement, viewers are eager to witness the emotional rollercoaster that lies ahead for these two individuals.
In today’s episode, Priya, portrayed by the talented actress, is expected to be seen grappling with a range of emotions. The impending engagement has left her feeling upset and conflicted due to the circumstances surrounding their union, as well as the presence of her ex-boyfriend, Yuvraj. However, in a heartwarming twist, Ram, portrayed by the charismatic actor, steps in to console her during this difficult time.
Ram and Priya will finally get engaged after all the drama. Their engagement pictures are getting so much love by fans on social media. Already, glimpses of a beautiful bond developing between Ram and Priya have captivated the audience. Despite the contractual nature of their marriage, their interactions showcase a growing connection that holds the promise of something more profound. It remains to be seen how these two beautiful souls will navigate their way through their relationship, eventually falling in love.
As the wedding festivities commence, the audience eagerly anticipates the evolving dynamics between Ram and Priya. The contract marriage may be the starting point for their union, but viewers are hopeful that love will find a way into their hearts, transcending the initial arrangement.
The upcoming episodes of “Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 3” promise to take viewers on a captivating journey, filled with unexpected twists and turns. The exceptional performances by the actors and the chemistry between Ram and Priya have left fans deeply invested in their story, eagerly awaiting the progression of their relationship.