Priyanka Chahar Choudhary celebrated her 28th birthday on August 12. The Udariyaan fame actress enjoyed her special day with a close-knit of friends. She celebrated her birthday on Monday. Priyanka was all smiles while she celebrated her birthday at an eatery in Mumbai with Ankit Gupta. Karan V Grover, Ankita Lokhande, and several others celebrated her birthday
Fans and various other co-stars also poured in many wishes for the actress. A video of her celebrating her birthday with the paparazzi and the media is making rounds on social media. Ankit Gupta cuts a cake alongside her.
Birthday celebration of Priyanka Chahar Choudhary.
The Bigg Boss fame actress was seen wearing a beautiful nude pink dress while Ankit Gupta was seen in an all-black outfit. She completed her look with delicate earrings and a simple makeup look. The paparazzi even showered her with birthday wishes. She even offered the first bite of the cake to Ankit Gupta. Priyanka even took to her Instagram and shared photos from her birthday celebration. She can be seen cutting a cake and celebrating her birthday with a close friend as well as with Ankit Gupta. She shared the pics with the caption, “Birthday vibes on point! Thanks to all my awesome fans, family, and friends for the wishes and love. You all know how to make a birthday feel epic! I love you all.”
Ankit Gupta also shared a romantic picture with Priyanka on Instagram. Along with the photos he also shared a sweet birthday wish for her. In the photo, Ankit can be seen holding Priyanka close and both of them can be seen smiling and enjoying each other’s company. Ankit even wrote, “On your special day, I’m celebrating you and all the joy you bring into my life. Happy Birthday, and here’s to another year of epic memories!” Priyanka also reposted the photos from the midnight birthday celebration along with Karan V Grover, Ankita Lokhande, and others
Recently, people saw Priyanka in “Dus June Ki Raat” alongside Tusshar Kapoor. Jio Cinema has released the TV series. It revolves around an unlucky man and his quest to reopen his father’s theatre. She is also has been a part of many music videos recently. Her fans love her videos and her upcoming project will be Suresh Krishna’s Hero Heeroine.