Nia Sharma, a renowned Indian television actress, recently embarked on a rejuvenating journey to the historic city of Mysore in Karnataka. Her Instagram feed was filled with vibrant pictures of her exploring the city’s rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. Dressed in a stunning purple saree and adorned with a fragrant garland of flowers, Nia radiated elegance and charm.
Her photos captured the joy and excitement she experienced as she immersed herself in Mysore’s unique atmosphere. Her visit showcased the city’s ability to offer a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life. She shared the pictures with the caption, “Gaon ki taazi hawaaaaa and shudh vaatavaran (vibe).”Here are some of the glimpses from the post that Nia shared.
Nia in saree in Mysore, Karnataka as well as with a garland of flowers around her neck with which she was welcomed.
Here Nia can be seen having a gala time with her brother and posing with him for a selfie. While Nia wore a beautiful saree her brother chose to wear a white hoodie.
Nia can be seen posing in her beautiful lavender colour saree and pairing the saree up with jewellery.
Nia sharma shared these pictures from her recent to trip to Mysore in Karnataka.
She shared this beautiful selfie fro her trip and from the car with her fans who really appriciated her for the looks that she carried.
Nia sharma was also seen interacting with her fans to her recent trip to Mysore in Karnataka. she can be seen playing with a baby of her fan while she interacted with them on the work fron Nia is busy shooting for the serial Suhagan Chudail and Laughter Chefs as well.