In the upcoming episodes of the show “Jhanak”, Jhanak will start a new journey. She is all set to give an audition for Aditya Kapoor’s film. She is ready to become an actress. Moreover she is already very disappointed because of Anirudh. As previously, Anirudh asked Jhanak to underperform in the dance competition so Arshi could win instead of Jhanak. Anirudh even told Jhanak after all the chaos that Jhanak already has Aditya Kapoor in his life but Arshi has only Anirudh by her side. However, this is not at all true as Jhanak is the one who has no one to take a stand for her.
Amidst the whirlwind of events, Jhanak hasn’t forgotten the kindness Anirudh has shown her. She even proved her gratitude by intentionally losing the dance competition against Arshi. However, She is no longer willing to be controlled. Determined to forge her path, She believes in her talent and knows she can succeed. With the support of her Guruji and the encouragement of Aditya Kapoor, she’s ready to seize the opportunities that come her way. Moreover she is determined to make her mark in the world.
Big Break for Jhanak, Anirudh’s Dilemma.
While Arshi celebrates her undeserved victory in the dance competition, Aditya Kapoor will offer Jhanak a role in his film. Although she does not agree in the first instance, she eventually gets convinced. Aditya convinces her that this is the perfect time to take this opportunity because she is new in the industry and people know her. She agrees to give the audition. He will even say to her that his film needs a fresh face and Jhanak is perfect for that.
Anirudh, Srishti, and Arshi overhear the entire conversation between Aditya and Jhanak. Anirudh who does not like it when Jhanak talks with Aditya Kapoor cannot say anything to her as he has lost all the rights of doing so. She also finally agrees to the audition. After a brief encounter with Anirudh, she leaves with Aditya Kapoor in his car, heading to her hotel. The audience on the other hand is not liking Anirudh’s decision as well as the things that the character is doing. The fans of the show have expressed their disappointment through tweets on their X accounts.