Jasmin Bhasin, the popular Indian actress and former Bigg Boss contestant, recently took a memorable trip to Abu Dhabi, accompanied by her close friend, Ilham Goni, sister of actor Aly Goni. The duo embarked on a cultural journey, immersing themselves in the beauty and grandeur of the United Arab Emirates’ capital city. One highlight of their trip was their visit to the iconic Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, where Jasmin donned a traditional outfit, exuding an aura of regal elegance.
Jasmin Bhasin, known for her impeccable style and grace, decided to embrace the local culture by wearing a traditional outfit during her visit. As she stepped into the mosque, she transformed into a vision of splendor, resembling a royal queen from a bygone era. Her enthusiasm was palpable as she walked through the intricately designed prayer halls, capturing the essence of the mosque’s spiritual sanctity.
Jasmin’s visit to Abu Dhabi, accompanied by Ilham Goni, also highlights the importance of her relationship with Aly Goni and her family. Jasmin Bhasin went all touristy in Abu Dhabi. She also enjoyed the fastest roller coaster in Ferrari world.
Jasmin also shared a post on Instagram where she can be seen posing in a bright yellow dress with a camel in Abu Dhabi desert. The actress also shared her indoor skydiving experience from Abu Dhabi.
On work front, Jasmin Bhasin will next be seen in a music video with boyfriend Aly Goni.