Superstar Salman Khan, the host of the popular reality show ‘Bigg Boss OTT 2,’ was visibly furious during the second “Weekend Ka Vaar” episode as he lashed out at contestants Jad Hadid and Bebika Dhurve. The incident took place amidst an intense fight between the two contestants, which eventually led to Jad’s controversial action of removing his pants and making an offensive gesture.
The altercation between Jad Hadid and Bebika Dhurve reached a boiling point, with emotions running high. In a surprising turn of events, Jad removed his pants and defiantly exclaimed, “Talk to my a**,” in a disrespectful manner. This audacious act left everyone in shock and made salman khan furious.
Reacting strongly to Jad’s behavior, Salman Khan expressed his disappointment and frustration. In a stern tone, he remarked, “Itne saare reactions hain. Ek ro deta, breakdown hota, gussa kar leta, maarneko aata, ghar chodke chala jaata, gaali bak deta English main, but yeh kya reaction hai? (There are so many ways to react. He could have cried or gotten angry or maybe even left the house, but what kind of reaction is this?).”
Salman Khan, known for his calm and composed demeanor, seemed visibly upset during the episode. He went on to question Jad Hadid and Akanksha Puri’s viral kiss incident, which he believed went against the cultural values of India. The controversy surrounding the kiss had sparked a heated debate both inside and outside the Bigg Boss house.
Bebika Dhurve also came under Salman’s radar for interfering while he was speaking. The host, who commands respect on the show, reprimanded her for her behavior, reminding her that he is not Abhi, Avinash, or any other contestant whom she can talk to casually or disrespectfully.
Furthermore, rumors started swirling among the audience when Salman Khan mentioned his contemplation of leaving the show after the incident. While it remains unclear whether this was just an expression of his anger or a genuine intention, fans of the show are eagerly awaiting further updates to find out if the beloved host will continue his role in the upcoming episodes.
As ‘Bigg Boss’ continues to captivate viewers with its drama-filled episodes, the recent clash between Jad Hadid and Bebika Dhurve, along with Salman Khan’s fiery response, has intensified the buzz and anticipation surrounding the show. The confrontation highlights the unpredictable nature of the reality series and reminds viewers that emotions can run high within the confines of the Bigg Boss house.