The show “Jhanak” of Starplus has been continuously disappointing its viewers lately. The show has been moving away from its original track. The fans of Jhanak also seem really upset with the show. The show nowadays focuses on Arshi although Jhanak is the main lead of the show. As for the dance reality show that Jhanak worked for since day one, she lost it in the finale. Arshi and Anirudh are directly responsible for Jhanak’s elimination from the show. Before the finale, Anirudh goes to Jhanak and requests her to underperform during the finale for Arshi. He wanted Jhanak to underperform in the show because he wanted Arshi to win the competition so that Arshi would get her confidence back. Although Anirudh wanted Jhanak to win the show but somehow convinced Jhanak to sacrifice her dream.
Arshi’s Bitter Victory and Jhanak’s Journey Takes a Shocking Turn.
Arshi won the dance reality show but immediately disrespected Jhanak. Despite universal praise, she dismissed her victory, claiming to have neither practiced nor desired to participate. Arshi attributed her involvement to the organizer’s insistence who according to her wanted her to participate. Thus, asserting her superiority over the show’s standards and expressing regret at competing with untrained dancers rather than professionals.
Kumar Sanu, the renowned singer, presented the trophies to both Jhanak and Arshi. While Jhanak received the first runner-up trophy, Arshi was crowned the winner. In her acceptance speech, Arshi unexpectedly referred to Anirudh as her husband, a title she never uses in private. She dedicated her victory to him.
Jhanak, however, did not let the moment pass without addressing the controversy surrounding her. She publicly disclosed her pill controversy, further denying any self-harm. Accusing unidentified individuals of ruining her journey, she highlighted her struggles in reaching the finale of the production house where she once worked as a humble employee. Jhanak also revealed that she has reported the incident to the police, who are actively investigating the matter. Expressing gratitude to her dance teacher, she gracefully acknowledged her defeat.
Following the award ceremony, as celebrations commenced with Anirudh in attendance, Jhanak quietly left the venue with Aditya Kapoor going behind her. Anirudh, despite his presence, was unable to intervene. This unexpected turn of events has sparked widespread disappointment among Jhanak’s fans, who have openly expressed their dissatisfaction on Twitter. The upcoming episodes are eagerly anticipated as viewers await to see how the showmakers will address the public disappointment and deliver justice to Jhanak.